B.S.A.  Scouts of the World

Boxed Set of 111  ( 1968 )


Below are the countries and territories represented in this set.

Boxed Set of 111
Antigua Dominican
Japan St. Lucia
Argentina Ecuador Kenya St. Vincent
Armenian Scouts Ethiopia Korea El Salvador
Australia Faroe Islands Kuwait Scotland
Austria Finland Laos Senegal
Bahamas France Lesotho Sierra Leone
Barbados Gabon Liberia Singapore
Belgium Gambia Libya South Africa
Bermuda Germany Liechtenstein Sudan
Bolivia Ghana Luxembourg Surinam
Botswana Great Britain Madagascar Swaziland
Brazil Greece Malaysia Sweden
British Honduras Grenada Malta Switzerland
Brunei Guatemala Mexico Syria
Burundi Guyana Monaco Tanzania
Cameroon Haiti Nepal Thailand
Canada Honduras Netherlands Togo
Central African
Hong Kong New Zealand Trinidad
& Tobago
Ceylon Iceland Nicaragua Turkey
Chad India Nigeria Uganda
Chile Indonesia Norway U. A. R.
China (Taiwan) International Scouts
of the Canal Zone
Pakistan United States
Colombia Iran Panama Upper Volta
Congo, Republic of Ireland Paraguay Uruguay
Costa Rica Israel Peru Venezuela
Cyprus Italy Philippines Viet Nam
Dahomey Ivory Coast Portugal Zambia
Denmark Jamaica Rwanda