(01) Schiff Scout Reservation - Six Views - Collotype Co. (1934)
(02) Schiff Scout Reservation - Five Views - Collotype Co. (1936)
(03) Memorial Room Fireplace - Collotype Co.
(04) Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation - Collotype Co.
(05) The Manor House - Collotype Co. (1946)
(06) Waterfront - Schiff Scout Reservation - Collotype Co.
(07) Schiff Scout Reservation - The Gardens - Albertype Co.
(08) Schiff Scout Reservation - Three Views - Albertype Co.
(09) Schiff Scout Reservation - Aerial View - Albertype Co.
(10) Schiff Scout Reservation - Entrance - Mayrose Co,
(11) Schiff Scout Reservation - Aerial View of Waterfront - Artvue
(12) Schiff Scout Reservation - Aerial View - Artvue
(13) Schiff - Aerial View of Dam - Artvue (1954)
(14) National Training Center - Plastichrome (P4243)
(15) Entrance With Totem Pole - Plastichrome (P28349)
(16) View From Across Lake - Plastichrome (P28350)
(17) Boating on the Lake - Plastichrome (P28351)
(18) National Training Center - Plastichrome (P28352)
(19) Schiff Scout Reservation - Plastichrome (P28354)
(20) The Manor House - National Supply Division (#42736-C)
(21) Double Size Folding Postcard / Calendar (1979)