(01) Nautical Scouts Signaling
(03) Full Ranks on Sunday
(04) A Crew of Nautical Scouts
(06) Sending Semaphore Signals
(07) Weaving a Tent Mattress
(09) The Lodge by the Lake
(10) Bicycle Patrol Awaiting Orders
(11) Respect to the Flag--Morning Colors
(12) Scouts Build Bridges
(13) Scout Fire Rescue Squad
(14) Wheelbarrow Race at Scout Rally
(16) Erecting Camp Wireless
(17) Doing a Neighbor a Good Turn
(18) Scouts Learn Archery
(20) Scouts Study as Well as Play
(21) Scouts Assisting Forestry Commission
(22) Decoration Day Duties
(23) A Field Wireless Outfit
(24) Morning Camp Inspection
(25) Each Respects the Other
(27) Outdoor Church at Camp
(28) Scout Tilting Contest
(29) A Business-Like Wireless Station
(30) Instruction in Knot-Tying