The following is an extract from "The Lonely Island," a book written by Rose A. Rogers. Rose was the wife of the Minister at the time of the visit in 1921 to Tristan da Cunha of the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition bound for the Antarctic. The Tristan da Cunha Islands are a group of small volcanic islands in the south Atlantic Ocean inhabited only by British colonists.
"The Quest officers and men were from all parts of the [British] Empire, and we enjoyed chatting with the representatives of New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada. Commander Wild was photographed with me standing outside our house, the tiniest parsonage in the world, less than 20 feet long."
"The great events on the second and third days of the Quest visit were the presentation of the Troop flag specially given for the Tristan da Cunha Troop by the Chief Scout [Lord Baden-Powell] and the erection of the wireless pole. The Scouts were paraded outside the school house with my husband in Scout kit at their head, with Commander Wild present and myself as A.S.M. Scout Marr presented the flag, which was received by the Patrol Leader, Donald Glass, on behalf of scouting, and after the boys had given the salute and been dismissed, he came up with us to the parsonage and had a meal of damper bread and tea. We had a pleasant talk on Scouting and other matters. He was in Highland dress as a Scottish Scout Patrol Leader, and the Tristan folk, who had never seen the kilt, were much impressed. Scout Marr is a big, hefty fellow, and his fine manly style was a great help to our lads, and he must have been a valuable asset to the Quest crew."
SOSSI JOURNAL, Volume 27, Number 6, June 1978
Updates and modifications by Keith Larson