Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) Scout Leader and US President. FDR was the first President to enter the White House with a Scout leader record. He was president of the Greater New York Councils of the Boy Scouts of America. In 1934 hundreds of thousands of Scouts assembled to hear President Roosevelt's broadcast appealing for help for the needy. In response, Scouts contributed by collecting nearly 2 million articles of clothing, household furnishings, and other articles for needy families.
Boy Scouts of America honored FDR for his noteworthy service to the nation's youth by awarding him the Silver Buffalo, the highest award in scouting.
When FDR died in 1945, he had a record of 24 years' service in Scouting. FDR was also the most famous stamp collector in the United States. At least nine US postage stamps have been issued for FDR.

"As one who has been interested in Scouting over many years it has been most heartening to have so many evidences of the practical values of Scout training. We must remember that next to active military service itself, there is no higher opportunity for serving our country than helping youth to carry on in their efforts to make themselves physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight, and prepared to help their country to the full in time of war, as well as in time of peace. We must make sure that those volunteer agencies which are supplementing the church, the home, and the school by providing programs that will help equip the present generation to cope with life problems in the difficult days ahead are maintained to their maximum capacity and effectiveness." - President Roosevelt
"Stamp Collecting dispels boredom, enlarges our vision, broadens our knowledge, makes us better citizens and in innumerable ways, enriches our lives" - President Roosevelt