This is a special issue for the Fifth World Jamboree to be held in Holland in 1937.
These three letters were carried on the same KLM flight on board a Douglas DC-3 originating in the Netherlands Indies (Indonesia) on 16 June, 1937. The flight headed west to India and then on to Europe.

This cover postmarked June 15, 1937 has a commemorative cachet as the June 16, 1937 first flight to Calcutta, India on the Douglas DC-3. Receiver stamp on reverse.

This cover postmarked June 12, 1937 has a commemorative cachet as the June 16, 1937 first flight. It also has a special Netherlands Indies Boy Scout and Girl Guide cachet.

This cover postmarked June 15, 1937 has a commemorative cachet as the June 16, 1937 first flight. It also has a special Netherlands Indies Boy Scout and Girl Guide cachet.

This registered cover postmarked December 1, 1937 is marked to indicate it was the first day of issue for the "Asib" stamps. The cover includes the World Scout Jamboree issue and the flight label.

The inauguration of the twice weekly service Netherlands Indies-Holland was originally set for 9 Oct. 1937. Special envelopes were made available. However as a result of the loss of one of her aircraft KLM was forced to postpone the inauguration until 23 Oct.1937. Aircraft: DC-3 PH-ARB "BUIZERD". Captain: Tepas. Departure Bandoeng 23 Oct. and arrival Amsterdam 28 Oct. 1937.