Welcome to the Scouts on Stamps Society International's
salute to Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI),
to be held October 15-17, 2021 [on the third full weekend in October], and Guides on the Air (GOTA)/Thinking Day on the Air (TDOTA) February
19-20, 2022 [on the third full weekend in February]..
Many might ask what does stamp collecting have to do with computers, radios, Scouts and
Guides? Plenty! Stamps and letters have been used from almost the very start of JOTA
to record the achievements of the activity participants. Here are several ways to see and
enjoy past JOTA/JOTI and GOTA today!
- Description of JOTA/JOTI/GOTA
- JOTA QSL - A Card in the Mail
- JOTA Participation Card Collection
- QSL and the Jamborees
- JOTI QSL - Snail Mail from EMail
- JOTA - The Years and the Cachets
- Scout Computer & Radio Stamps
- JOTA & Scout Radio Seals
- SOSSI's 2006 QSL PDF for printing QSL
- 2005 JOTI Participation Certificate
- SOSSI's 2004 eQSL
- SOSSI's 2004 QSL PDF for printing QSL
- 2003 JOTI Participation Certificate
- SOSSI's 2003 eQSL
- SOSSI's 2002 eQSL
- 2002 JOTI Participation Certificate
- SOSSI's 1999 eQSL
- SOSSI's 1998 eQSL
- SOSSI's 1998 JOTI eQSL