Journal Issues from 1951
The Classics Corner - For The Record
The SOSSI Journal is the official bi-monthly publication provided to each member of the Scouts on Stamps Society International, Inc. Members are kept informed of Scout-related meetings and philatelic events, and new stamp issues as they are reported.
Through research, members are continually coming across hitherto unknown facts about many of the Scout issues and these facts are published in the Journal. This has been especially true of the so-called classics issued during the early days of Scouting.
The SOSSI Journal has been assigned the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) #1066-6028 as part of the National Serials Data Program, Library of Congress. Material appearing at the SOSSI Website is © SOSSI 1997-2025 unless otherwise cited.
To submit articles, or contact the current Journal editor, write:
Mr. Patrick R. RourkTo convert to electronic delivery or change your address of receipt, write:
SOSSI Editor
3 Morton Street
Norwood, NY 13668-1100
Email: Editor
Telephone: (315) 353-8892 (6:00-9:00 PM Eastern Time)
Woodrow (Woody) Brooks
SOSSI Secretary
498 Baldwin Road
Akron, Ohio 44312-2054
Email: Secretary
To submit an advertisement:
The Journal classified advertising section is the place for you to put an advertisement for items you need, have to sell, trade or correspond with SOSSI members. The cost is $6.00 for one insertion and $15.00 for three consecutive insertions of the same ad for SOSSI members. For nonmembers, the cost is $8.00 for one insertion and $20.00 for three of the same ad. The ads may be anything as long as good taste is used. Any ad may be reused at the editor's discretion. Payment is due at the time of order. All ads are typeset from your copy and all copy must be readable to be accepted. The ad space fills approximately 30 letters/numbers per line with approximately 6 lines per box. We look forward to your ad and hope it will be very successful.
All checks are payable to SOSSI and mailed to Mr. Patrick R. Rourk, SOSSI Editor. Commercial advertising rates: Full page: $75.00; half page: $45.00; Quarter page: $25.00; Eighth page: $15.00; 25 words (in 3 lines only), $7.50; with 35 cents for each additional word. Member to member, once a year free ad (35 words or less - limited to 3 lines) (full and part time dealers excluded.)