- What SOSSI Means to Me An early member reflects on the value of membership.
- What is a Scout Stamp? - Three Views
- My Greatest Philatelic Thrill
- Celebrate the Diversity of Scout Philatelics
- The Real Fun of Collecting Scouts on Stamps
- Keep it Simple - The Only Way to Collect Scout Stamps
- Scout Shows and Stamp Collecting
- Knowledge is Most Important
- Promoting the Image of Scouting Through Stamp Exhibition
- Your Scout Stamp Collection Can Promote Scouting
- SCOUT STAMPS - How to Start Collecting Them Properly
- Renew Your Interest in Scout Philately
- Symbolic Emblem Ties to Scouting
- Paul Siple, Scout Explorer
- Other Youth Programs Independent Scout and other Youth Groups

- 1935 US Scout Cancellations
- Philatelic books and publications on Scouts on Stamps
- Artwork for the 1982 GB Scout and Guide Stamps
- The only recorded pictorial Boy Scout V-mails and Airgraphs
- Scout Stamp Booklets
- Scouts of Malta worked in the censor's office during WWII
- The Boy on the 1d. Blue Mafeking Stamp Warner Goodyear
- Scout and Guide Charity Christmas Posts