Welcome to the Scouts on Stamps Society International Salute to Jamboree Mondial. The 25th World Scout Jamboree will take place from 1 to 12 August 2023, in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea! This is the second time the Korea Scout Association will be the Host, as the 17th World Scout Jamboree was held in the country back in 1991. It will also mark the 100th anniversary of the Korea Scout Association. The theme of the Jamboree is "Draw your Dream", representing our willingness to accept young people's ideas and opinions, and create an opportunity for them to make their Jamboree dreams come true. "Draw your Dream!" expresses the desire for members of the Scout Movement to transform the 25th World Scout Jamboree into their own festival and grow their dreams through the event.
Where there are travelers, there is bound to be lots of mail! Our Salute shows some philatelic examples from WJ of the past as our contribution to Join-in-the-Jamboree. Enjoy the show!
- 20th WJ Stamps From around the World!
- J A M B O R E E ! WJ postal history overview
- Now Is The Time Get ready to collect your souvenirs
- World Jamboree Home Folks Newsletter 1920
- Jamboree Cachets More than a letter home
- Jamboree Cachets #2 More letters home
- 19th WJ Stamps From around the World!
- Jamboree Postage Stamps Host Nation Issues Over the Years
- Jamboree Seals Sticker Fun
- Post Cards Issued for World Jamborees
- QSL and the Jamborees Radio Scouting mail
- World Jamboree Meter Stamps
- WJ Attendance How many went?
- JAM DES NEIGES First World Winter Jamboree 2000

This site is possible through the many contributions of SOSSI Members and Scouters worldwide:
John B. Adams, U.S.A., Tony Manson, Canada; Larry Heverley, U.S.A.; Dominique Limbos, U.S.A.; Alvin Cho, Taiwan; Berthold Sinaulan, Indonesia; Alvin Cho, Taiwan; Hallvard Slettebø; Norway, Douglas J. Uzakewicz, U.S.A., Keith Larson, U.S.A.