The First World Winter Jamboree "Jam Des Neiges" was held from December 27, 1999 - January 5, 2000. The campsite was on the Plaine d'Abraham, Quebec city, Quebec, Canada. A total of 3,015 Scouts and leaders represented 33 countries. The jamboree theme was Viens prendre l'ère (Fresh air for a new era).
The Canadian Post Office issued a commemorative envelope with first day cancellation for the first International Winter Jamboree on December 27, 1999. This was done in front of the chief of delegations of the Scouts present at the Jamboree.

On January 4, 2000 during the jamboree closing ceremonies, the Canadian Post Office made a special presentation of the newly issued Millennium Stamp. Each delegation received a special frame containing the FDC and a full sheetlet of the stamp with explicit literature.

Issued on January 1, 2000, this single domestic-rate stamp celebrates the new millennium and the Canada Millennium Partnership Program, which promotes local, national and international ventures that create a positive legacy for our future. The Partnership Program logo is pictured emerging from a clear blue sky, symbolizing movement towards a new millennium and a hopeful future. The design of the millennium stamp was also reproduced on the fanny pack given to all participant of the Jam des Neiges.

There is also a phone card with the Jam des Neiges logo (3000 made).