It means a wonderful world of Scouting Brotherhood in which I have made hundreds of friends here and abroad.
It means, in some cases, something that goes farther than Brotherhood -- the prayers and affection one for another, whether in sickness or good health.
It means that there is no North or South, East or West, no difference of color, race or religion. It brings us all together as a unit.
It means a mutual understanding in what we collect. There will always be disagreements about some issues, but it is up to each of us what we collect and call Scout stamps.
It means the "greats" of Scouting meeting the common man such as I, whose purpose is to help young boys and girls get something better out of life.
It means that in my being a Stamp Collecting merit badge counselor, I have helped young Scouts advance in rank.
It means that a great many of us who do not know the "whys" and "wherefores" of the Scouting stamp issues can get the answers through the SOSSI Journal.
It means a "Thank You" to those who have written and researched Scout stamp issues and they should not go unread. I, for one, appreciate what they have done.
It means I have kept all the Journals since I first joined SOSSI in 1954, and use them as a reference library.
It means that we owe a lot to many Scouters, but I want to thank Harry Thorsen (and the others) for making my life richer with a great deal of friends.
It means that wonderful letters come to me (who is at home 95% of the time due to a little chest problem) from all parts of the world. Thank you all.
SOSSI Journal, Volume 20, Number 11, November 1971