How many ways have you used your collection to promote good will for Scouting? Here are a few ideas that may help you think of others. Your editor will list your projects in future issues of the SOSSI Journal, if you write to him today.......

1. Keep a frame of Scout stamps or covers mounted for your council or district events, ready at any time.
2. Design a Scout postal cancel for a district or council special event. Display Scouts on stamps at the special event station.
3. Present a small frame of Scout stamps to your Scout Executive that he or she may display them in your council office.
4. Offer to make talks to local Scout troops or stamp clubs. Always bring along a supply of SOSSI applications.
5. Give Scout stamps or covers as prizes to local Boy and Girl Scout troops for contest winners, attendance, inspection, or for writing the best article on stamp collecting for your local paper.
6. Register with your local council Scout office as a merit badge counselor for Stamp Collecting.
7. Donate issues of the SOSSI Journal to your local libraries. Offer to exhibit pages of your collection if they have locked display cases.
8. Organize a local chapter of SOSSI if you now have to travel more than 50 miles to the nearest chapter meeting.
Who said that stamp collecting was an introvert hobby?
SOSSI Journal, Volume 17, Number 1, January 1968.
Updates and modifications by Keith Larson.