Scouting in 1973, and in the years to follow, will become more involved in ecology and conservation of wildlife and natural resources than ever before. Illustrated here are some of the postage stamps that honor Scouting, and also publicize some of the activities related to conservation.
In 1960 Greece pictured a Boy Scout and Cub planting a tree; Cook Islands in 1969 on one of their Jamboree stamps show two Scouts planting a young sapling. A Girl Scout and Boy Scout can be seen setting out plants on the 1964 stamps of Afghanistan.

Iraq in 1967 show four Scouts cleaning up the landscape, while the Scouts of Dahomey appear to be planting. These stamps were one in a set of three honoring the Community Development seminar held in their country in March 1972. Bhutan printed a beautiful set of diagonally designed stamps in 1967, one of which is shown here with two Scouts planting a tree.

Bolivia in 1970 honored the Boy Scout movement (as printed on the stamp) but pictured a Girl Scout on one of the stamps. She is planting a rose. Indonesia in 1955 had a stamp with a Scout feeding a doe, taken from a photograph in the Scout Field Book of the U.S.A.

There are many opportunities to advertise to the world what Scouting is doing to help countries in conservation. Stamps are like tiny "windows" that are seen by all to whom mail is sent. Perhaps it is time we substitute other designs than the often used Scout buglers, signalers, and campers. Your commemorative postage stamps should reflect the kind of effort that is best serving your country. When requesting a stamp to honor your next Jamboree or anniversary, submit actual photographs of your Scouts in action, conserving your country's natural resources.
This article was reprinted from SOSSI JOURNAL,
Volume 22, Number 9, September 1973.
Updates and modifications by Keith Larson.