If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and dresses like a Scout, it might just be a Disney Scout stamp. Several Sea Scout and Junior Woodchuck stamps were issued under license from the Disney Studios. This is a portfolio of these cartoon characters on stamps.
Disney Movie Synopsis:
In The Good Scouts, a 1938 Walt Disney Studio release, Donald is leading a Scout troop-
consisting of his nephews- on a hike in the woods. Donald isn't nearly the expert on
the woods that he thinks he is, much to the amusement of the boys. The film earned an
Academy Award nomination. Later in 1939,in Sea Scouts, Commodore Donald teaches
the finer points of seamanship to his crew of nephews.
Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp. of New York City issued and wholesaled multi-country sets of Disney stamps under license beginning in 1979, using artwork specially prepared for this purpose by Disney studio artists. This was an exclusive contract that recently was not renewed by Disney. Disney instead has shifted to limited direct licensing of their artwork for specific new issues. This will likely diminish the opportunity in the future for Disney characters to appear in Scout motif except by design. Prices for many Disney issues including these Scout designs are expected to increase.

This stamp shows a scene from the film The Good Scouts and is in the set commemorating Donald Duck's 50th Birthday [ #460-8]. Donald is shown subjecting himself to boy's test for their first aid merit badge. A souvenir sheet [#470] depicting a scene from the 1939 movie Sea Scouts is also available in this set. Stamps were issued both perforated and imperf.

This cartoon showing one of the nephews receiving his stamp collecting merit badge from his Scoutmaster, Donald Duck. Also part of the design is an image of the BSA Stamp Collecting Merit Badge. This stamp was issued in a set [Scott #954-57] commemorating AMERIPEX '86. A souvenir card is also available.

This stamp from Mickey's Portrait Gallery [#913-24] shows old Disney portraits. Donald is shown in this scene from the movie Sea Scouts. A special seal in the upper right corner shows the character Goofy with the slogan "Goofy About Stamps."

This Guyana issued postage stamp pictures a Donald Duck feature poster from Sea Scouts. Donald Duck commands his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie on board a small rowboat. This stamp is part of a 50 value set depicting Donald in a Disney movie over the past 50 years. This issue is available in sheetlets of 8 or as a trading card. The reverse of the trading cards is in either French or English.

Maldives issued a series on Donald Duck's family portraits in honor of his 60th anniversary. This stamp pictures Huey, Dewey and Louie in their Scout campaign hats and neckerchiefs, wearing backpacks, examining a porcupine with a magnifying glass and taking this picture with a camera. This stamp is part of a set [#2051-8] also sold in an eight stamp minisheet. Another stamp from this set shows Donald Duck with a campaign hat on, but is not specifically a Junior Woodchuck design.

This release theme was "Teaching Outdoor Skills," with one value depicting Boy Scouts as part of the set [#1729-34]. The stamp can also be found on the sheetlet of 15 stamps.

This release theme was "Disney Characters at Work." One value shows the Park Ranger warning one of Donald Duck's nephews, in his Boy Scout uniform, not to feed the bear.