The first Scout stamp from Hungary was the 1000 Korona stamp from the 1925 semi-postal set. This issue honors various sports related groups including the camping Scouts. Historically, this was the first stamp to picture a Boy Scout. The set consists of eight stamps showing different sporting activities.
The stamp of interest to Scout collectors depicts a Scout blowing a bugle in a campsite with other Scouts sitting in the background. There are Scout emblems in the lower corners of the stamp, designed by Franz Helbing. The stamp was printed by lithography in a reddish brown color on unwatermarked paper. The stamp was perforated 12x12½ with a total printing of 133,738. The stamps were also issued imperforate.

The stamps were issued to raise funds for sports groups including the Scouting movement. They were sold for double the face value, as stated on the back of each stamp printed in black, with the surcharge going to the different sports groups. This made this set one of the most expensive stamp sets ever sold to that date.
The first day of issue for the set was April 27, 1925. The set was valid for postage until December 31, 1925. There are color proofs of the Scout stamp known in dark brown, blue, maroon with a green border, and light brownish purple. All proofs are perforate.
There are three sets known that have the specimen handstamp from Madagascar. There may be unreported specimens from other countries.

Related to this set of stamps, the Hungarian Post Office authorized a variety of pictorial cancels. In September 1925, a Scout emblem roller cancel dated September 4-8 was used at "Nagytábor" (Big Camp), "I. Cserkész Kerületi Verseny" (First Boy Scout District Competition). This was the first Scout cancel from Hungary.