Welcome to our online support to Canadian Wolf Cubs who would like to earn a badge for stamp collecting! Wolf Cubs is for boys ages 8 to 11. The Wolf Cub Program of Scouts Canada offers the Collector Badge that could be awarded to Wolf Cub stamp collectors.
Collector Badge

Collect and organize a group of objects of your choice and keep your collection for a period of at least three (3) months. Some examples are:
1. coinsSOSSI Resources
2. stamps
3. photos
4. books
5. comics
6. sports player cards
7. leaves
8. match box toys
9. etc.
- Maple Leaf Chapter #15 - SOSSI
- Frequently Asked Questions about Scout stamps
- Keep it Simple - The Only Way to Collect Scout Stamps
- Scout Stamp Albums and Suggestions
- Scout Postcards
- Promoting the Image of Scouting Through Stamp Exhibition
- Jamboree Stamps - Canada
- Canadian Perfins Boy Scout WJ Issue of 1955
Thanks to Bill Kowalchyk, Troop Scouter
15th Burlington Scouts, Ontario, Canada