Welcome to our online support to Canadian Girl Guides who would like to earn a badge for stamp collecting! Girl Guides of Canada/Guides du Canada offers the Collecting Interest Badge that could be awarded to Guide stamp collectors. Guides is a three-year program for 9 to 12 year olds.
Collecting Interest Badge

Purpose: to encourage you to make and exhibit a collection of your own choice.
Requirements: Make one of the following collections. Present it to your Patrol or Guide Unit. Be prepared to answer questions about your collection.
- 20 different shells.
- 15 different types of rocks.
- 20 recipes which you have tested and are compiling yourself in a scrapbook, cookbook or on index cards.
- 150 stamps from at least 10 countries (The stamps must be mounted properly).
- 50 picture postcards.
- 30 coins of different values and from several different countries.
- Any collection that requires the same effort as the above collections.
- Maple Leaf Chapter #15 - SOSSI
- Frequently Asked Questions about Scout stamps
- Keep it Simple - The Only Way to Collect Scout Stamps
- Scout Stamp Albums and Suggestions
- Scout Postcards
- Promoting the Image of Scouting Through Stamp Exhibition
- Jamboree Stamps - Canada
- Canadian Perfins Boy Scout WJ Issue of 1955
- Girl Guides and Scouts on Stamps