Due to the untimely death of Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, who died June 25th, 1977, the $2.00 stamp of the Girl Guide issue of Sept. 1, 1977 from St. Vincent was overprinted locally with the dates "1930-1977" to make them technically correct. The year 1930 was imprinted because it was the year in which Lady B-P assumed the title of "Chief Guide," the position she was to hold for 47 years.

The original publicity material was printed prior to June 25, 1977 as were the stamps. Hence the lack of the overprint on the promotional photos and specimens. Now a major error has been found in which a few stamps are missing the overprint. Five gutter pairs (10 stamps) have so far come to light. The rest of the sheet probably missed the overprint also making 50 possible errors in all.
SOSSI Journal, Volume 26, Number 11-12, November/December 1977