Double Paper Printing Error
This printing error caused by double paper resulted in only 20 percent of the upper pair of this
plate block receiving ink and gum.

Printer Error on Cachet
We are all familiar with the profusion of cacheted first day covers which appeared on October 29, 1948, when the stamp was issued. But have you carefully noted the "Hamilton" cachet, and the silly error thereon?

In the scroll beneath the Girl Scout's feet are the words "FOUNDED 1812" instead of 1912 - the proper start of the organization. Once printed, however, Hamilton obviously felt no compelling necessity to rectify the mistake, and all of the Hamilton FDCs were sold with the same transparent error. True, the picture of the balding Juliette on the stamp makes her appear quite ancient, but no one could have really thought she was that old!
SOSSI Journal Volume 12, Number 4, April 1963
SOSSI Journal Volume 15, Number 7-8, July-August 1966