SOSSI Exhibits Collection
Richard Grosshans

This is a compilation of exhibits of Scouts on Stamps by SOSSI members.  SOSSI and other Scouts on Stamps exhibitors are encouraged to forward scans or a photocopy of their exhibits to the webmaster so that they can be made available to a wider audience.

Siege of Mafeking Giovanni Cucciani,
September 2011
98 Baden-Powell and the Siege of Mafeking.
Baden-Powell, The Two Lives of a Hero
[1998 version]
Lawrence E. Clay,
PIPEX 2017, Vermeil

OKPEX '98, Silver


The life of Baden-Powell, as Hero of Mafeking and Founder of Scouting, from his birth in 1857, through his death on January 8, 1941.  Mafeking stamps, covers, Baden-Powell notes and letters are included.
SOSSI at PIPEX 2017 Lawrence Clay,
PIPEX 2017
16 Celebrating Scouting on Stamps during SOSSI's convention at PIPEX 2017.
Scout Post Cards - The Humorous Side Lawrence Clay,
PIPEX 2017
16 Comic and risqué Scout post cards.
Scouting A-Z Lawrence Clay,
PIPEX 2017
24 Scouting covers from around the world presented alphabetically by country name.
Boy Scouts of America Centennial Richard Grosshans,
March Party 2013
128 A philatelic display honoring the 100th anniversary celebration of Boy Scouts of America.
World Scouting - Its Path to Success Hallvard Slettebø,
China 2009, Large Gold
128 The scope of the exhibit is to demonstrate the idea, principles and activities of Scouting and its development from Baden-Powell's scheme to today's world wide movement.
Entwicklung und Arbeit der Pfadfinderbewegung Albrecht Zimmermann,
COMPEX 2001, SOSSI Award
128 Development and Work of the Scout Movement
AEROSCOUT Philately Douglas J. Uzakewicz,
World Columbian '92
16 An overview of Scout related items carried on many different methods of Air transportation
Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting Glenn W. Moss,
ARIPEX '94, Bronze
64 The life of Lord Baden-Powell as told through philatelic material from Mafeking through the 75th Anniversary of World Scouting
A Philatelic Tribute to Lord Baden-Powell Glenn W. Moss,
SECAL '88, Bronze
64 Earlier version of Glenn's "Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting" exhibit
Scouting in Colorado Lawrence E. Clay,
16 A sampling of the Scouting Postal History of Colorado including the 5th National Jamboree in 1960
Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides J. Alex Hadden,
80 This exhibit illustrates many of the slogan machine cancels and hand stamps used by Canada Post to honour the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Canada.
Scouts! J. Alex Hadden 48 The story of Scouting through a world tour.  How the world has honored Scouting over a ninety year period by over 160 countries
Merit Badges for Boy Scout Eagle Award William E. Jones
160 This thematic exhibit will illustrate philatelically the merit badges required to obtain the award of Eagle Scout.
Boy Scouts of America William Fleming, attributed
Americover 2000 Bronze
96 Displaying US and Canal Zone Boy Scout First Day and National Jamboree material from 1935 through 1997
Boy Scout Jamborees Dr. Joan B. Grady 63 The honoring of World Boy Scout Jamborees through philatelic material.  The exhibit covers the period of the Fourth Jamboree, 1933, through the Sixteenth Jamboree, 1987-1988
50 Years of Scouts on United States Stamps Keith Larson 12 This exhibit presents the 50 years (1948-1998) of Scouts on U.S. stamps commemorating Scouting
The Value of Scouting As Shown on Meter Slogan Stamps Charles F. Schafstall,
16 Scout meter slogans from around the world.  Covers companies, time periods and usage.
First Day Covers For The 1987 U.S. Girl Scout Stamp Frederick Oppinger,
32 Various cacheted covers issued in a variety of ways by manufacturers reacting to the stand by the Girl Scouts of America
Saint George On Stamps and Covers Richard F. Thill,
World Columbian Stamp Expo '92
16 The Patron Saint of Scouts as shown on philatelic material from 1877 to date
World Jamborees Richard F. Thill,
16 This exhibit shows the stamps and covers from the countries that issued them for the past World Scout Jamborees
Israel Scouts Tony O. Manson,
16 Scouting events in Israel from 1954 through 1973 as shown on stamps, cancelations and covers
Cuban Scout Philately James E. Byrne,
World Columbian Stamp Expo '92
16 Focuses on Cuban philatelic items from 1954 through 1957 and ends with a cover recognizing the youth movement which displaced Scouting
Twelfth Boy Scout Jamboree Cacheted Post Cards Carl F. Schauer,
OKPEX '98, Bronze  
16 Examples of the different cachets that can be found on post cards and some very special ones
Scouting Nederland Robert F. Kan,
World Columbian Stamp Expo '92, SOSSI Grand Award
OKPEX '98, Silver
16 The history of Scouting in the Netherlands from early Scout camps to the 18th World Jamboree
Libya James E. Byrne,
COLOPEX '96, Silver
16 Libya's Scouting history through philatelic material from 1962 and until the United States imposed its embargo on 7 January, 1986
Baden-Powell's Scouting Life Peter J. Duck,
16 Baden-Powell's life through stamps, post cards, letters, seals and special covers
Scouting for Boys Frederick J. Osgood,
128 This exhibit illustrates the concepts of Scouting first developed by Robert Baden-Powell in his series of six booklets, Scouting for Boys.
Stamp Collecting Merit Badge J. Ben Adams,
ARIPEX '94, Gold
16 The material used to illustrate the requirements for the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge is from the topical "Scouts on Stamps".
Scouting Postal History of the 1930s R. S. Frank,
OKPEX '98, Vermeil
112 Postal items containing Boy Scout and Girl Guide (Scout) philatelic elements, including stamps, postal cards, cancellations, registration etiquettes, and meters used during the 1930s
US World Jamboree Postal Card R. S. Frank,
SANDICAL '09, Gold
16 This exhibit presents the purpose, production and use of this postal card.