The Girl Scouts of America held the 3rd International Senior Roundup in Button Bay, Vermont from 27 July - 3 August 1962. This event was also the scene of the first day of issue for a stamp honoring the 50th anniversary of Girl Scouts of America. A first day of issue hand cancel and machine cancel were used. More than 160 different FDC were used, not to mention many all-purpose and hand painted covers and Roundup stationary. Nine thousand Senior Girl Scouts attended this roundup.

This is a Phoenix Patrol commemorative cachet.

This is a Monadnock commemorative cachet.

Hi you all,
Thinking of you. Am here on staff on the Girl Scout Roundup. You'd never believe this set up - the Army is much in evidence. They've set this place up - am sleeping in one of their tents. Hope you've seen some of our publicity so you'll know what I'm talking about. Lots of N.C. (North Carolina) girls around. Love Betty.

SOSSI Journal, Volume 27, Number 4, April 1978