A Postal Survey of the Senior Girl Scout Round-up held at Farragut Reservation, Bayview, Idaho from July 17-26, 1965.
12,000 Girl Scouts were in attendance.
The United States Post Office set up regular equipment in a large wall tent. Throughout
the camp were located ten collection boxes. All the mail deposited in these boxes as well
as that deposited at the branch office was collected and transported to Spokane, Washington. At
the Spokane Post Office the mail was cancelled, distributed and dispatched to destinations. Spokane
is about sixty miles from Bayview, Idaho.
There were three different event cancellations for this event. A standard Pitney-Bowes meter machine with a Bayfield, Idaho die was also used with red die.

This handstamp was used at the Roundup Branch as a money order postmarking stamp. It was used on some covers for mail cancellation. This handstamp was also used to back stamp return mail after the event was over.

This handstamp with four bars was used mostly for flats and heavy letters in the Spokane Terminal Annex.

There were at least three philatelic covers advertised for sale prior to the Roundup. Souvenirs such as post cards and stationary, maps and personal mementoes have been seen with one of the cancellations applied. A set of nine Round-up post cards were available for sale.

SOSSI Journal, Volume 14, Number 12, December 1965