The cacheted covers seen below were created as a souvenir for the 30th World Scout Conference (WSC) and their on-site Ham Radio Station, call DLØWSC. The conference was held from July 16-19, 1985 in Munchen, West Germany.

The cachet is in black and orange for the WSC, combining the Scout and Guide emblems of Germany with inscriptions in German. Germany [Scott#1446] for the WSC is at the upper right corner, tied with one of two dark strikes of a combination WSC and Ham Radio DLØWSC cancel, dated 19 July 1985, the last day of the conference.

There is an error variation of the DLOWSC cancel. It was initially used with DLOWSO (an O instead of a C), but corrected shortly after. Thus there are some covers with that error cancel on them. Gottfried Steinmann of Germany (SOSSI & ArGe member) designed a few of the cancels including the one with the error.
Ham Radio and Scouting go back many, many years as Scouts were always the inquisitive and experimenting sort, as are hams. Older hams were always willing to be "Elmers" (mentors) for Scouts working on the code to get their licenses. During this WSC, they set up a ham station for the Scouts and Leaders to experience the thrill of talking to people on the other side of the planet simply by radio!