The FMF Local Post is a philatelic local post located in Fort Myers, Florida. It began in 1972 with stamps and commemorative covers issued by Joseph J. Frasketi. This post continued through the 1990s, issuing its own local post stamps on many topics, mostly space.

November 7, 1981
This FMF Local Post #145 was issued to salute Troop 350 Black Hawk Patrol of Kentwood, Michigan. There is no mention of this on the stamp, only on the cacheted cover. The connection to FMF and a Boy Scout Troop is Joe's adopted sister's grandson, a member of Troop 350 in 1981. The cachet is addressed to her.
A total of 500 stamps were printed black on canary gummed paper, value 15 cents issued in singles and pairs only. The first day city was Atlanta Georgia, where a USPS sponsored Boy Scout special event cancel was available. First day covers total 55, all with the Atlanta GA cancel. The official release of this local post stamp at the Ft Myers, FL USPS Post Office did not occur until November 29, 1983.
Contributions by Joseph Frasketi in memory of
his sister, Mary Ellen Elofson