This is a First Day Cover of the 7 cent Boy Scout stamp issued by the HN Local Post in conjunction with the Babe Ruth commemorative issue. Hideaki Nakano was the founder of HN Local Post. HN is also known for cartoon first day cachets of the 75th Anniversary of Girl Scouts stamp issue that poked fun at GSUSA copyright restrictions (1, 2, 3, 4). This HN issue is posted in Chicago, Illinois on July 6, 1983 with both USPS and the local post cancels. It is used on a FDC of the Canadian 75th Anniversary of World Scouting also issued on July 6, 1983 for the World Jamboree.

July 6, 1983
People rarely mention the words "Babe Ruth" and "Boy Scout" in the same sentence because the Babe
had a reputation for poor personal behavior off the ball field. However, Babe Ruth also was
very charitable to young people and was their champion and hero.
Named in his honor, the Babe Ruth District of the Baltimore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America,
serves the western portion of Baltimore City, including the childhood home of Babe Ruth.