Lone Scout Stamp and Seal Collecting
Keith Larson

This is a brief look into youth stamp collecting activities in the early 20th century.  Advertisements such as this were frequently published in boys' journals.  Lone Scout tribes based on hobbies including stamp collecting often published their own newsletters.  Several examples of Tribal papers and stamp dealers are presented here.  You can also read about Lone Scout Pep Stamps.

Poster Stamp Issues
by Lone Scout Eric Wilkin
172 Stinson St., Hamilton, Ont., Canada

Most boys have seen the poster stamps issued by various manufacturers, which they distribute around the country to recommend the articles they manufacture.  Some cities also use them to distribute in nearby places to boost themselves as desirable places for factories to locate, etc.  You've seen them, haven't you?

Why not collect these?  They make a very interesting collection, indeed, as many boys have found out.  Besides, the sources given above there are other places you can get them, and your collection will be made doubly interesting if you can get some of those issued by the Government to boost various war loans.

I can supply some pertaining to Canadian loans to brother Scouts if they enclose a 3-cent stamp (American or Canadian).  I can also give them the names of a few dealers who would send them some of their issues, if written to.  Don't forget the stamp, though!


SUBSCRIBE!!!  222 ASSORTED FOREIGN stamps free with 6 month subscription 25c to Scoutdoms 16 to 24 page stamp paper.  Advertise 1/2c word.  Circulation 2,500.  Sample free!!!  Amateur Philatelist (Formerly Lone Scout Stamp Journal), Thief River Falls, Minn.
BROTHER SCOUTS. DON'T FORGET?  Subscribe!  Collectors Companion, 25c year, 15c 6mo.  If desired, Tribe membership included.  Harry Redmond, Route 3, Marion, Ohio.
SUBSCRIBE TO COLLECTORS COMPANION 6 mo. 20c (6x9).  Free membership in Universal Collectors' Mail Tribe.  Rush.  Augustus Trick, Muncy, Pa.
FREE!!!  REAL PICTURE OF CAMOUFLAGUED TANK with years subscription to "The Young Philatelist." 25c.  Alvin Johnson, Hawarden, Iowa.
LONE SCOUTS JOIN THE "BLACK HAWK Mail Tribe."  Membership and full particulars 10c.  Maurice W. Stump, St. Francisville, Mo.


300 MIXED STAMPS, CHINA, PORTUGAL, Belgium, Switzerland, Philippine Islands, etc. Perforation gauge album, all for 10c.  Large album spaces for 1320 stamps 15c.  Contact Clarence Gibbs, 8925 Juniper, Los Angeles, Calif.
STAMPS, 61, ALL DIFFERENT, FREE. Postage 3c.  Mention paper.  Quaker Stamp Co., Toledo, Ohio.


Lone Scout Volume VIII, May 24, 1919

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