There are three variations in collecting postage meter stamps:
- Entire envelopes or cards.
- Perforated postage meter stamps.
- Meter stamps cut to size.

The early examples on this page are a few I have collected. Many are difficult to photograph that are light green or blue (ink). Those in red will photograph the same as those in black.
I hope that one of our SOSSI members will volunteer to edit a catalog to preserve this area of Scout historical philately. I believe this project would require many members to contribute copies from their collections.
My earliest foreign meter stamp is from Peru dated April 21, 1932. My oldest B.S.A. meter stamp is probably the one not dated having the "Rockwell head" with 1½ cents postage from our national office at 2 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.

I do not refer to third class mail as "junk mail" when it is related to Scouting. That term applies to mail we can do without! The only printed indicias I have seen with the word "Scout" are from my own publication, Scout Memorabilia.

SOSSI JOURNAL, Volume 37, Number 7&8, July-August 1988.
Updates and modifications by Keith Larson