Here are some examples of surcharge inscription that changes the denomination of the originally issued Scout stamp.

The African nation of Zaire (now the Congo again) originally issued in 1981 this stamp to honor the artist Norman Rockwell and picturing a famous piece of his depicting a Boy Scout, a Civil War Veteran and a well dressed young lady with umbrella. During a period of upheaval in their government, Zaire began overprinting and surcharging old stocks of stamps to save on printing new issues and to cover spiraling inflationary postage costs. This stamp was then surcharged in black from 20k to 500Z.

The African nation of Guinea Bissau originally issued in 1981 this stamp to honor the royal wedding of Charles & Diana. In 1985 it was then overprinted and surcharged in black for the 1983 World Scout Jamboree held in Canada.
• Ghana 1984 (Accra) Currency Devaluation
• Guinea 1985 Currency Revaluation
• Guinea-Bissau 1985 XV World Scout Jamboree