Perfins on Scout commemorative stamps are a rare treat. Here are a few examples of perfin used on United States Scout stamps.

40th Anniversary of Boy Scouts
GM/&O: Mobile
The GM/&O was used by the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company with general offices in Mobile, AL, who used the machine between 1938 and 1968.

50th Anniversary of Boy Scouts
M/CO: Philadelphia
The M/CO was used by Mather & Company of Philadelphia, PA from 1938 through 1965.
Notice a hole missing at the top of the second upright in M. The missing hole indicates that the machine somewhere along the line developed a broken pin that was not replaced, at least at the time of the punching. Over the years it was not unusual to have broken pins and unless it really fouled up the design were seldom replaced.

1967 World Jamboree
IP CO: New York
Above is a rare mint example of a perfin airmail postcard. The postcard was originally issued for the 1967 World Jamboree held in Idaho. The perfin design shown on the card is that of the International Paper Company of New York City. There may be additional offices. The even spacing indicates a multiple die machine, probably either 5 or 10 die. The machines were used from 1926 to 1972.
Created by Keith Larson, 1999