Irving Berlin (1888-1989) was born Israel Beilin. He wrote more than 900 songs, 19 musicals and the scores of 18 movies. Some of his songs that have become classics include "There's No Business Like Show Business," "Easter Parade," and "White Christmas." He is the top money maker among songwriters in America. He was presented a Congressional Medal of Honor from President Eisenhower and the Medal of Freedom from President Ford for his contributions to the United States.

A postage stamp was issued September 15, 2002 honoring Irving Berlin.
Irving Berlin felt so strongly about the need to support the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, that he donated, in perpetuity, all of his royalties from "God Bless America" to them. Since 1940, over $6,000,000 has been distributed to the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, and the Greater New York Councils of the Boy Scouts of America.