Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) rose to the rank of 5 star General as commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, and later was twice elected US President.
He had been a staunch supporter of Scouting ever since his son was a Scout. He became a member of the National Executive Board of BSA in 1948 before he ran for President. He appears on at least 7 US stamps.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Coil stamp in the Prominent Americans Series was issued to replace the 6¢ Franklin D. Roosevelt Issue and to serve as the backbone of letter-rate postage. The stamp is based on a photograph of "Ike" taken in 1953 when President Eisenhower was to go on TV to announce the cessation of military actions in Korea. It appeared on the cover of the Time magazine and eventually became the official White House photograph.

"The Boy Scout movement merits the unstinted support of every American who wants to make his country and his world a better place in which to live. Its emphasis on community service and tolerance and world friendship promotes a speedier attainment of the enduring peace among men for which we all strive. By developing among its members both a spirit of sturdiness, self-reliance, and a realization of the need for cooperative effort in every major enterprise, the movement is a prime force in preparing tomorrow's men for their duty to themselves, their country, and their world. Here in the United States the Boy Scouts of America have accomplished much in its years of service. But today, more than ever before, we need expansion of its membership and influence."