President Truman gave strong support to the Boy Scouts of America at every opportunity. He traveled to Valley Forge, Pa., in June 1950 to open personally the Second National Jamboree. President Harry Truman signed an Act of Congress in 1949 designating June 14 of each year as National Flag Day.

"The Boy Scouts of America, since it was founded in 1910, has contributed greatly to the character training of our youth. What a greater nation this would be if the principles of Scouting could be woven more closely into our daily lives. If we can impress upon our youth principles of friendliness and mutual respect, we shall go a long way toward establishing a better understanding among the nations of the world. The Boy Scouts of America is making a vital contribution to the character building of our boys and young men. Let us work together to make the program of the Boy Scouts available to every American boy."