Popularity of Scout Seals
Murray Fried

In most cases, the older the Scout Seal, the more in demand it is, because of scarcity.  However, certain seal "topics" are more popular and in demand.  The most popular seal topics are:

  1. World Jamborees
  2. National Jamborees
  3. Baden-Powell
  4. Camp and Activity Scenes
  5. Scout Badges and Logos
  6. Seals on Covers
The least popular seals are:
  1. Printing only - no design
The most popular types are:
  1. Perforated and in full color
  2. Perf and Imperf Sheetlets
  3. Full Sheets of same seal or different seals
The least popular types are:
  1. Over-prints of earlier seals
  2. Seals printed in one color only
  3. Pressure sensitive.  These are gaining in popularity since most seals issued today are this type rather than moisture activated.

Most collectors collect all topics and types; however, some collectors specialize in only certain seals, such as World Jamboree and perforated.  Some collect only the old pre-1940 seals.  Regardless of your preferences, it is most fascinating finding and uncovering a new old seal or whatever.  Good Sealing!!!

World Scout Sealers, Issue No. 9, November 1993
SOSSI Journal, Volume 43, Number 1, January 1994.
Updates and modifications by Keith Larson

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