Scouts on Stamps of the World (SOSOW) was initially written and published by Harry D. Thorsen as Boy Scout Stamps of the World. This SOSSI publication has evolved through seven editions.
Boy Scout Stamps of the World
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
Scouts on Stamps of the World
Special Jamboree Edition
Third Edition 1964
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
and W. Arthur McKinney
Scout Stamps of the World
American Topical Association Handbook #42, 1964
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
and W. Arthur McKinney
This is SOSOW #3 with different front, back and both inside covers
Scouts on Stamps of the World
Fourth Edition 1968
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
and W. Arthur McKinney
Scouts Stamps of the World
American Topical Association Handbook #64, 1968
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
and W. Arthur McKinney
Scouts on Stamps of the World
Fifth Edition 1973
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
and William E. Hoffmann
Assistant Editors: Peter J. Duck,
Howard J. Kaplan and Jay L. Rogers
1979Scouts on Stamps of the World1981
Sixth Edition 1979
Same Booklet sold at the US National Jamboree in 1981 with the Jamboree cover.
by Harry D. Thorsen, Jr.
William E. Hoffmann
and Howard J. Kaplan
Assistant Editors:
Peter J. Duck and Jay L. Rogers
Scouts on Stamps of the World Seventh Edition 1986 with 1988 Supplement
by Howard J. Kaplan
and William E. Hoffmann
Assistant Editors: William Parkin,
John B. Adams and William C. Cowen Made for web version Scouting Postal Stationery