These are website awards presented by webmasters around the world.
Webmaster Awards <> Philatelic Awards
Webmaster Awards <> Philatelic Awards

You have won the "Gold Metal Award" for 2003-04. The American Association of webmasters [Level 3.5 (9.5), 01/30/03]

You have won the "Gold Metal Web Award of Excellence" for creativity, design, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Robert E. Lattel, Art Space [No Level, 01/30/03]

Your site was nominated for review and has been awarded theGrafixGuy's Gold Star Website - 2003 award. Congratulations! Best regards. Brian Grimmer, theGrafixGuy - Affordable Graphic Design, Web Design, and Web Hosting Services. [No Level, 01/03/03]

We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and admirable content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Scouting Merit Award. Nu-Horizons Design Studio, Canada. [No Level, 12/31/02]

You have been selected as a "Kid Friendly" Site. KinderStart looks for sites that assist parents and caregivers. KinderStart.Com is the largest Index Directory on the Net for Parents and Caregivers! [No Level]

Your site has been evaluated by the PeaceWork Certified Sites Judges' Panel and has been designated a Merit Site! Less than 20% of all sites submitted achieve any award at all. The Merit Award tells your visitors that you are a contender. [Level 5.0 Award Site, 03/18/01]

Congratulations on receiving the Millennia Script Award for Site Excellence! SOSSI has been judged and deemed worthy of our prestigious award! We enjoyed your layout and design, and overall the site is quite professional looking. Great Job! [Level 3.5 Award Site, 01/13/01]

This huge site categorizes about every way one could think of about Scouts on stamps. The webmaster even pointed out a page of favor precancels on Scout commemoratives that might be worth a link, since I am precancel related. (Sure....why not?) Frame navigation is a bit Java heavy, but expands each section into more detail. Score: Navigation 27/30, Design 28/30, Content 40/40 = 95%. [Level 2.5 (10!) Award Site, 12/29/00]

"We Bees have buzzed the SOSSI web site. It's review score of 91 has earned it our WeB Pix Award! Congratulations! We found your reader-friendly site easy to navigate, attractive, full of great content, and a great service to the Internet community. Thank you for your commitment to Web excellence!" [Level 5.0 Award Site, 12/99]

"We have looked at your site and we would like to congratulate you on a great job done!" [NR Award Site, 05/15/99]

"SOSSI deserves kudos for originality, innovation and fine flow of information. The site is very creative and educational. Add all this to fine HTML code, fast loading, easy navigation and an excellent FAQ section, and we have another clear winner of the AEIP Award Of Honor For Website Excellence." [Level 4.5 Award Site, 04/15/99]

Cyber Platinum Site Award is given out to sites that have Excellent Content, Innovative Design, Easy of Use, Good Presentation, Fast Loading Graphics. [Level 4.0 Award Site, 04/15/99]

This award is for Webmasters, who have work day and night to keep their webpages attractive. Making good, fast loading pages with mostly handmade graphics, java, animated gif, etc. etc. A real artist at work. [NR Award Site, 04/15/99]

Congratulations on earning Pooh's Golden Hunny Award for having a high-quality site with no broken links or broken images. It takes a lot of work to maintain a great site. [NR Award Site, 04/15/99]

"This special award is for those sites who need only to pass one test: that I really like what I see. In this test, your Scouts on Stamps site is a clear winner."